Photos Industry government

Government and not for profit

Get legal guidance from a firm that has a long history working with governments of all sizes and advising on government relations in the public and not-for-profit sectors.

We can help you navigate legislative and regulatory change and public policy issues to ensure you mitigate risk and achieve your objectives. You'll get clear and practical advice from a firm that understands how governments operate and the opportunities and challenges faced by public bodies and not-for-profits in this area.

As a multi-disciplinary firm, our clients benefit from a team with deep knowledge in specialist areas of the law. Such as intellectual property, employment, business law, technology, regulatory, dispute resolution, environmental, and indigenous relations.  

Who we work with

Our team works with all levels of Canadian government - municipal, regional, provincial and federal – as well as individuals, agencies, not-for-profits, and associations.

What we do

We provide timely and strategic guidance on public policy issues and help businesses work efficiently with governments. Our lawyers also help with:

  • New legislation and legislative changes  
  • Identifying key contacts in public service
  • Political and public policy developments
  • Impact of government policy and program changes  
  • Preparing briefs or submissions to governments
  • Communicating with government decision‑makers
  • Assisting with access to information and lobbyist issues

What our clients say

"The team provides very practical, down-to-earth advice. Lawyers instinctively understand our priorities and risk-tolerance levels. They have their fingers on the pulse of current affairs and how this directly affects our industry." – Legal 500 2020

Representative work

Successful occupiers' liability trial against the City of Calgary

Counsel to a plaintiff in an occupiers' liability trial, which found that the City of Calgary had breached the Occupiers' Liability Act by failing to have adequate security measures in place at a Light Rail Transit station and connected Plus 15 walkway on New Year's Eve. The failure to have adequate surveillance camera placement and quality, sufficient lighting, an effective video monitoring system, or sufficient peace officer patrols, contributed to an unsafe environment. This prevented Transit employees from observing or detecting a serious and prolonged series of assaults against the plaintiff, deploying peace officers or Calgary Police to intervene, or taking other steps to mitigate the harm. (McAllister v. Calgary (City), 2018 ABQB 480). The decision was upheld by the Court of Appeal, subject to a clarification concerning the time within which the City ought reasonably to have detected and responded to the assault. (McAllister v. Calgary (City), 2019 ABCA 214). On January 9, 2020, the Supreme Court of Canada denied the City of Calgary leave to appeal the Alberta Court of Appeal's finding of liability in McAllister v. City of Calgary.

Alberta Petroleum Marketing Commission in connection with the Keystone Expansion Project

Counsel to APMC regarding the Government of Alberta’s $1.5 billion equity investment in––and $6 billion loan guarantee in support of––the Keystone Expansion Project.

Appeared before the Supreme Court of Canada on the constitutionality of the inter-provincial transport of oil and gas

Intervenor counsel to the Explorers and Producers Association of Canada in a case that considered the constitutionality of British Columbia's proposed restrictions on heavy oil in the TMX Pipeline and the interprovincial transport of oil and gas. (Reference re Environmental Management Act, 2020 SCC 1).

Government of Alberta's TMX reconsideration before the National Energy Board

Co-counsel to the Government of Alberta in respect of the expedited Trans Mountain Expansion Project reconsideration hearing where the National Energy Board recommended that the Project proceed.

Alberta Petroleum Marketing Commission crude by rail project

Counsel to the Alberta Petroleum Marketing Commission in connection with the Alberta Government's publicly announced 120,000 bbls/d, $3.7 billion crude by rail (CBR) initiative for the transportation of Alberta crude oil by rail car to markets in the U.S. and Canada.

Represented the Alberta Small Brewers Association before the Supreme Court of Canada

Intervenor counsel to the Alberta Small Brewers Association in a case that considered the constitutionality of interprovincial restrictions on trade in beer. (R. v. Comeau, 2018 SCC 15)



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